The Unbreakable Bond of Shep: A Story of Loyalty and Devotion

5 min readMar 15, 2023


Today, we’re going to learn a little bit more about the loyalty of our faithful friends—dogs. Their loyalty is something that we, as humans, can learn a lot from. And there’s no better example of this loyalty than the incredible story of Shep, a dog who captured the hearts of many during his time at the Fort Benton train station in Montana.

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Shep’s Loyal Life

Shep was a shepherd dog who lived with his owner in Montana during the 1930s. In the summer of 1936, while working as a shepherd, Shep’s owner fell ill and was taken to St. Claire Hospital. Shep followed his owner to the hospital and waited outside, hoping for his return.

Despite being turned away by hospital staff and being unable to see his owner, Shep continued to visit the hospital every day, waiting patiently outside for his owner to emerge. This continued for months, and Shep became a familiar sight to the hospital staff and visitors.

During this time, Shep waited faithfully outside the hospital every day, capturing the attention of passersby. He was fed by a nun who worked in the kitchen at St. Claire Hospital and became a beloved fixture of the hospital community. After Shep’s owner passed away, his family requested that he be sent to their hometown in the East.

This is where the heartwarming part of our story begins. Shep’s owner was being prepared to board a train and travel to be with his family, leaving the Fort Benton station in Montana behind. As the station workers prepared him for the journey, they noticed a pair of eyes fixed on them, never once looking away. Those eyes belonged to Shep.

Shep had been watching his owner’s preparations with intense interest, and as the time came for him to board the train, Shep refused to be left behind. He ran alongside the train, barking and jumping, until the train picked up speed and he could no longer keep up.

From that day on, later named Shep, returned to the station every day, waiting patiently for his owner to return. For 5.5 years, he waited for his owner every day at the train station. When he passed away after those 5.5 years, his vigil had also come to an end.

Shep’s Unwavering Loyalty

Fort Benton Station(old-new)

Shep waited at the Fort Benton station every day in the hope that his owner would return. Despite being mistreated by people who disembarked from the same wagons he hoped his owner would be on, he never lost hope. Shep became a fixture at the train station, and his story began to be known among the public.

Shep’s unwavering loyalty continued to inspire people, and many visitors came to the Fort Benton station every day to take pictures with him, adopt him, or simply see him. Despite all the attention, Shep never gave up waiting for his owner. His devotion to his master was a testament to the unbreakable bond between a dog and his human.

Shep’s Departure from this World

Every day, Shep came to the station and had become friends with the staff. Shep’s housing, food, and other needs were provided by the station employees. As time passed and Shep grew older, the effects of waiting for so long began to show.

He began to struggle with hearing and walking. Eventually, Shep was forced to retire from his duties after a train accident. On January 12, 1942, at 10:17 a.m., the faithful dog did not hear the approach of freight train 235. The engineer attempted to stop in time but was unsuccessful, and Shep was struck and killed on his journey to be reunited with his beloved owner.

After seeing his owner off on the train, the dog started waiting for him and eventually met him on another train.

Shep’s Memorial

A newspaper headline when Shep died

After 50 years since Shep passed away, the supporters of Shep and Fort Benton Station collaborated to construct a memorial for him. They collected materials worth $75,000 for the memorial. Bob Scriver, one of the most famous sculptors in the West at that time, was commissioned to create the monument. Shep’s characteristic features were added to the sculpture, with his ears down, tail up, and front paws on the rail. With eyes full of longing, waiting for his master’s return.

Located in the park across from the Grand Union Hotel on Front Street, the Shep Memorial was erected. Shepherd Court soon became the focal point of the town. The large bronze statue was placed on a rough granite base, with the stone set low enough that even small children could see and touch it. This statue is a testament to a man’s love for his best friend and a tribute to Shep’s loyalty.

If you want to read more about Shep’s story, I highly recommend Sneed B. Collard III’s Shep. Shep’s story is just one example of how much our dogs love us and how loyal they are to us. Let’s thank our furry friends who make the world a better place with their existence.


Fort Benton Chamber of Commerce, “Shep: A Fort Benton Legend.” (Accessed March 14, 2023).

Wikipedia contributors. “Shep (an American dog).” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,onto%20the%20train%20and%20left. (Accessed March 14, 2023).

