Fantastic Story of Bobbie the Wonder Dog

4 min readMar 28, 2023


Bobbie was the Scotch Collie/English Shepherd mix dog of Frank and Elizabeth Brazier, who lived in Oregon. The Brazier couple, along with their daughters Leona and Nova, enjoyed a happy life with their beloved dog.

In August 1923, Frank and Elizabeth Brazier decided to visit their family with their children and dog Bobbie. They wanted to bring their beloved dog with them to avoid being separated from him during the trip, as he was a cherished family member.

Frank and Elizabeth’s family lived in Wolcott, Indiana, which was 2,551 miles away from their home. The family and Bobbie had a smooth journey and finally arrived in Wolcott, where they were reunited with their loved ones.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Bobbie

However, being in a foreign city, the other dogs did not accept Bobbie. Chased by three dogs at a gas station, Bobbie disappeared without a trace. No matter how much the Brazier family searched for their dog, there was no trace of Bobbie. At only 2 years old, Bobbie may have been taken far away after being attacked by the dogs.

The Brazier family, who had come to visit their family, had lost a member of their family. With no news of Bobbie, they sadly returned to their home city.

Bobbie’s Incredible Journey Back Home

By February 1924, a huge event had occurred that would surprise the family. Bobbie appeared at their door covered in dirt, with his nails worn down, weak, and exhausted. The family was shocked, as Bobbie had traveled 2,551 miles over six months to find them. However, experts on the subject claim that Bobbie may have traveled as far as 2,800 miles.

Once reunited with his family, Bobbie quickly regained his health. However, the difficulties he faced in finding his way back to them were evident in his body. Bobbie had crossed deserts, swum across lakes, and made his way to his family during the coldest days of winter.

Bobbie’s Rise to Fame

After Bobbie’s reunion with his family, despite all the hardships, he caught the attention of the local press and community. After being noticed, Bobbie became a famous dog. He was featured in movies and became the subject of books.

Bobbie portrayed himself in the 1924 silent film “The Call of the West," which brought even more attention to his story and propelled him to fame. Bobbie became so famous that he was given the keys to the city and awarded jewelry and other valuable items.

As a result of Bobbie’s fame, people who came across him during his journey were able to reach out to his family. This allowed for a clearer understanding of the route Bobbie took and the difficulties he faced during his journey.

The Humane Society of Portland collected what people who encountered Bobbie on the road said. According to their accounts, after a while, Bobbie returned to the Wolcott area. However, unable to find his family there, Bobbie tried to follow their scent and eventually started to follow the traces he found.

Bobbie’s Passing and Legacy

After he died in 1927, Bobbie was buried in the pet cemetery of the Oregon Humane Society in Portland. The grave received great attention from Bobbie’s admirers and fans. Bobbie became an inspiration to the people of his time. A few years after his death, an event was organized, and Bobbie’s son, Pal, led the way. In memory of Bobbie, statues, and paintings were made. A doghouse was built to protect his grave.

In 2012, a group of people from Silverton claimed that Bobbie’s grave was not being properly honored by Portland and started a movement for Bobbie’s grave to be returned to its original location.

Bobbie's enduring so many difficulties to reunite with his family reminds us of the loyalty of these beautiful animals. Thanks to Bobbie and many others like him, our world is more loving and beautiful.

To learn more about Bobbie, you can get the book Bobbie the Wonder Dog: A True Story.

